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Discover the wich way to wholeness

Mind-Body-Spirit Integration Specialist

My Mission Statement:

"I guide souls towards discovering their inherent sense of wholeness and belonging, thus empowering their path towards a life filled with purpose, meaning, and authentic self-expression."

Are you tired of navigating your shadows alone?

Let me help you find the light. 

Do you feel trapped in a cycle of repeated patterns and self-destructive behaviors?

Let me help you set yourself free. 

Have you forgotten who you are and lost your way?

Let the wich way to guide you back.

Hi there dear soul! 

Nice to meet you! My name is Tess. I am a  

Mind-Body-Spirit Integration Coach, Author, and Medical Intuitive.


What does a Mind-Body-Spirit Integration Specialist do?


My mission is to guide you on a transformative journey towards achieving wholeness and belonging within yourself.


Through my holistic approach, I empower you to harmonize your mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of yourself to live a balanced and fulfilling life.

So what problems can Mind-Body-Spirit Integration Coaching help with?

  1. Stress and Anxiety Management

  2. Emotional Imbalances

  3. Low Self-Esteem and Self-Worth Issues

  4. Lack of Purpose or Feeling Lost 

  5. Physical Health Concerns & Chronic Illnesses

  6. Eating Disorders 

  7. Addictions and Behavioral Addictions (Coping Mechanisms) 

  8. Spiritual Disconnection

  9. Relationship Challenges

  10. Life Transitions and Personal Growth Obstacles

  11. Trauma Healing

Did you know ?

"The word 'heal' itself means to become whole. This principle provides the foundation for my coaching method.


The wich way will help you re-integrate and re-align with your true self, return you to a state of fulfilment and unlock your greatest potential—making you whole from the inside out!"


Tess Wichlinski yoga instructor

What is mind-body-spirit integration?

Mind-body-spirit integration involves the process of aspiring to see, accept, love, and integrate all aspects of yourself, including your shadows or the parts of yourself you've denied or rejected, into one complete state of being.


It can be understood as a form of healing, and the purpose healing is to return to a state of optimal ‘health.’ In Sanskrit, health or ‘svastha’ is a state in which the mind, soul, and senses interact harmoniously to experience a feeling of Self, wellness, and even bliss.

Mind-body-spirit integration is an active internal process that requires deep self-inquiry into the depths of your being and life in order to become consciously aware of the patterns, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that inhibit your growth, healing, and highest potential. This examination and transformation of your internal state of being inevitably leads to significant shifts in your external world. 

The Souls I Strive to Help are:

  1. Seeking personal growth and self-improvement

  2. Feeling disconnected from their true selves and seeking a sense of belonging

  3. Experiencing stress, anxiety, or burnout

  4. Feeling disconnected from their soul, body, or intuition 

  5. Navigating life transitions (e.g., career changes, divorce, loss)

  6. Interested in holistic health, wellness, and healing

Why the wich way works

Restore Your Relationship With Yourself

My coaching addresses the root of the issue in order to revolutionize  and restore a healthy relationship with yourself.

Improve Emotional Regulation and Stress Management

By developing your emotional awareness and agility, you will be better equiped to face the challenges of life without resorting to unconscious coping mechanisms.

Enhance Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

My approach focuses on the mind-body-spirit connection, combined with science-backed behavioral change techniques to achieve healing, wellness and expansion.

Increase Self-Awareness and Acceptance

My coaching encourages cultivating a deeper understanding of yourself and your needs, leading to greater self-awareness and self-acceptance.

True belonging doesn’t demand that you change who you are;
instead, it invites you to BE who you are.

Total transformation.
Wellness from within.

By understanding your unique needs and goals, we can work together to develop your very own mind-body-spirit integration plan that will guide you towards wholeness, self-belonging and self-discovery.

Through on–going support I empower you to overcome challenges, build resilience, and take proactive steps towards achieving their desired state of wellbeing.


My approach draws on various healing and self-development methods in the field of neuroscience in combination with practises grounded spirituality and ancient wisdom that are designed to help you restore and renew your mind-body-soul connection, and ultimately transform your life.


Some key components of my coaching include:

Mindfulness & Meditation

Emotional Awareness & Self-Regulation

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

​Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Shadow Work/ Parts Work 

Yoga & Breathwork


Holistic Nutrition 

Ancestral Healing

Narrative Therapy 

Somatic Psychotherapy

Inner Child Work

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 


Quantum Healing


Mental Rehearsal &Manifestation Techniques 

Bioenergetics: Sound Healing, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) & Charka Balancing  

Medical Intuition

Coaching that is conscious, compassionate, and collaborative

Weekly Virtual 1:1 Coaching
eating disorder recovery coaching
text support
Text and Voice-note Support
learning and exercises
Recovery Resources and Transformation Tools

During these sessions we will lay the groundwork for your recovery. I will provide a safe, supportive space where you will be able to honor your emotions and needs, speak your truth, while also encouraging accountability and inspiring purposeful and lasting transformation.

I provide text support to encourage, inspire, comfort, and empower so you never feel alone during your recovery. 

I provide extensive resources and wich way worksheets to reinforce your learnings from coaching sessions and develop strategies to support your transformation and encourage self-agency. 

"My coaching experience with Tess was amazing. I could feel how much she cared about helping me. The way she was able to draw connections between things I thought were unrelated showed how well she listened to and understood me, and the activities she suggested I try have made such a difference even in a short time. Couldn't recommend her enough!"

Stella, Former Client

Tell me about Tess!

Work with someone who is not only qualified as a holistic health coach and yoga instructor, but also someone who has gained lived experience recovering from various eating disorders, behavioral addictions, and feeling utterly lost and alone.


I can provide the Tess-tried-and-tested tools and techniques to guide and support you journey to back to your true self, as well as offer the kind of empathetic ear, compassionate heart, and safe nurturing space that only someone who has been through the darkness and lived to see the light can provide.

Tess Wichlinski coaching

Seeking Self-Guided Eating Disorder Recovery?

Are you struggling with an eating disorder but prefer a self-guided approach? Look no further!

My book: 

"Wholeness Not Fullness: A Holistic Recovery Approach to Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder & Food Addiction" represents over three years of eating disorder recovery research, personal experience, practical tools, heartfelt anecdotes, and expert guidance to support you through every twist and turn of your healing journey.


Embrace a life where nourishment extends beyond food—an all-encompassing voyage toward self-love and wholeness.

Perfect for anyone in search of a supportive healing companion and motivational roadmap to recovery.

The R's of Real Recovery Resource 

Rediscover. Rejuvenate. Reclaim your journey to wellness with the empowering principles of Real Recovery!

Offering exceptional value at an affordable price, this resource is designed to provide unwavering support throughout your recovery journey.


Immerse yourself in a treasure trove of knowledge, interactive exercises, rejuvenating yoga and meditation practices, and nurturing content—all conveniently accessible to you, wherever and whenever you need it.

Ideal for individuals who prioritize their recovery journey yet crave the flexibility to engage with the healing process at their own pace and in their preferred setting.

Discover wich wisdom

Check out my blog to find fascinating articles focused on wellness wisdom, holistic health and healing research, self-development inspiration and insights, as well as Tess's tips, tricks, and tools for transformation!

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." - Buddha

Let's Stay Connected

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